Five questions for Jen V

If you could visit any other time period, what would it be and why?

I am a bit of a Francophile, mainly because I was utterly obsessed with The Three Musketeers growing up and it really did a number on my psyche, so I would love to visit 17th century France, and be part of Louis XIV's court, and/or be Princess Dalma from my absolute favourite childhood show, Dogtanian!

The other contender is late 1970s London so I can finally be the punk my heart yearns to be.

What is the one movie you'd take with you to a desert island (assuming you would also have a solar powered dvd player)?

So my go-to rewatch film is The Devil Wears Prada, I'll always chuck that on if I need to get some work done and it never stops being amazing (Florals, for spring? Groundbreaking.)

But if I could cheat the system and present a compelling case that all three Lord of the Rings films should be considered as a single unit, then I'd take that. Extended editions, of course!

What is the best song in the entire world?

My favourite song in the whole world is "Old, old fashioned" by Frightened Rabbit, my favourite band in the whole world. Maybe it's not the greatest song ever, but it's the greatest song to me.

What is your favourite book (or series)?

My favourite series hands down is Harry Potter because I'm basic, baby. No, but seriously, Harry Potter is my sacred text. It is how I ground myself in the world and I can pick up any of the books at any time and know exactly where I am. I also absolutely adore The Lord of the Rings.

For a non-basic option, I’d have to say Life of Pi by Yann Martel.

If you had three wishes, what would you wish for?

Oh gosh, this is hard! I feel like I should ask for Big Things™ like stopping the heat death of the planet, and bringing back all the terrifying extinct animals humans have eradicated (especially the Haast’s eagle which I'm obsessed with - life would be better if we had the fear of a giant eagle hanging over our heads) but also, no, selfish human's gonna human.

One: A universal basic income for everyone, thank you, yes. Side note: billionaires please get in the sea.

Two: I'd very much like the ability to read all the books I want to read in my lifetime, so maybe some sort of download ability like in The Matrix. But I also still want to have the joy of the experience of reading so... it has to be quick, but immensely satisfying?

Three: I’d like the ability to teleport. My life would be so much simpler!


Five questions for Jenn D


Season 1 Reading Themes