Hi, we’re Jenn D and Jen V! We’re two Antipodean imports who love stories and want to talk about them with each other. Find out more about us below!
We really wanted to do something in the tradition of Harry Potter and the Sacred Text—developing a closer understanding of a text, and ourselves, and each other, through a committed practice. There’s more info on the practice of marginalia in this episode of HPST (transcript). It’s introduced by Broderick Greer - find out more about him here!
If you have any feedback or questions, please get in touch at hello@marginaliapod.com We’d love to hear from you!
A little more about us…
I’m an American immigrant living in Sydney, Australia, with my husband and our two kids. I’m neurodivergent & queer. I believe in radical empathy. I’m an advocate and an optimist. And I really like to make things.
Being a reader is a formative part of my identity, but I also love music, TV, podcasts, movies, and of course, fanfiction. Anything with well-developed characters is my jam. I also write my own original fiction, but that’s a whole other thing.
I am thrilled to be able to dive into a story piece by piece, and learn more about myself, the world, the text, and of course, deepen my friendship with Jen V!
I’m a South African Australian, and soon to be Kiwi - the Antipodean trifecta! I live in Wellington, New Zealand, where I spend lots of time winning pub quizzes, ranting about the patriarchy, and patting other people’s dogs (pictured - this is Meg!).
I live for stories in all forms - books (all kinds), films, TV shows, video games, songs, all of it. I’ve wanted to write a novel since I was old enough to know what that was, and one day I might actually start doing it. One day.
I’m usually a super fast reader so I’m looking forward to slowing down and really spending time with a book. I can’t wait to see what I learn about myself, how I can apply that to my every day life, and hopefully become a better human in the process. And I’m thrilled to have this opportunity to regularly spend time with Jenn D as we create this ritual together every week!