Season 12 Reading Themes
Our time with Maggie Stiefvater’s Raven Cycle is drawing to a close as we read the final book, The Raven King for season 12. Themes here if you want to read along with us…

Season 11 Reading Themes
We’re wrapping up the Carry On trilogy by reading Any Way The Wind Blows by Rainbow Rowell for season 11. Themes here if you want to read along with us…

Season 10 Reading Themes
Henrietta! We’re home! For season 10 we’re reading Blue Lily, Lily Blue by Maggie Stiefvater. Themes here if you want to read along with us…

Season 9 Reading Themes
We’re heading back to the World of Mages for season 9 and reading Wayward Son by Rainbow Rowell. Here are the themes if you’d like to read along with us…

Season 8 Reading Themes
We’re returning to The Raven Cycle for season 8, and reading The Dream Thieves by Maggie Stiefvater. Here are the themes if you’d like to read along with us…

Season 7 Reading Themes
Time to take a bit of a breather as we read Anna and the French Kiss by Stephanie Perkins for season seven. Here are the themes if you’d like to read along with us…

Jen V’s June Recs
We’ve passed the solstice which means it’s all up from here! Here’s how Jen V’s June shook out…

Jenn D’s June Recs
It’s winter, Jenn D’s fave time of the year! Let’s see what she’s been up to this month…

Season 6 Reading Themes
For season six, we’re reading Carry On by Rainbow Rowell. Here are the themes if you’d like to read along with us…

Jen V’s May Recs
Jen V is lamenting the sudden arrival of winter. Here’s what’s been taking her mind off it this month…

Jen V’s April Recs
Jen V doesn’t have much to recommend this month but she’s racked her brain just for you…