Five questions for Jenn D

If you could only listen to one album for the rest of your life, what would it be?

It came down to one of two. One is "Smother" by Wild Beasts. It's one of those albums that really snuck up on me but I love it end to end. There's not a song on it that I don't love in some way. It feels like a modern reinterpretation of a period of history, and that is not at all a valid reading, but it's how it feels to me.

The second one (and probably more likely) is "Ys" by Joanna Newsom. I could spend a lifetime unpacking those songs, learning them inside out, picking apart their meanings... and I love the stories that she tells.

Which fictional character do you love the most?

This one really caught me out. I definitely have favorite characters, but which character do I love the absolute most? I think it has to be Anne Shirley from Anne of Green Gables. When I talk about formative influences from my childhood, Anne is right up there. She is kind, and compassionate, and deeply justice-oriented, and she gets over her hesitations about love and loves deeply and completely and she is just enormously loveable. And exemplary. And also quite real.

If you could have a conversation with anyone, living or dead, who would it be and why?

I would be quite keen to talk to my maternal grandmother again. I'd really love to sit down and have a conversation with her, and hear her life from her perspective. I have so few memories of her, but I know she loved me very much.

What's your favourite way to spend a Saturday?

I like waking up a bit late, drinking coffee my amazing husband brings me, doing the crossword, and then settling in to some work for the pod! I usually break for lunch and a little play with the kids, then I get to come hang out with you (virtually) and chat about books! Basically my favorite way to spend a Saturday is what I do every Saturday.

What's your favourite book (series/duologies allowed)?

My all time favorite book is The Blue Castle by LM Montgomery. It's just comfort food. It's also funny and sweet and is full of heart. And everything wraps up so neatly at the end (very unlike real life). For contemporary books, Attachments by Rainbow Rowell, which is a nearly perfect love story; for YA, it's The Scorpio Races by Maggie Stiefvater, which is all the feels.


June Recommendations by Jenn D


Five questions for Jen V