Take heart everyone, it's our last episode of season 8. We’re reading the final chapters of The Dream Themes through the theme of courage, and wrapping up the novel.
In our section this week, The Gray Man is forced to face his worst fear. Gansey and Ronan enlist Blue’s help in finding Kavinsky’s fourth of July party. Kavinsky dreams a dragon, draining Cabeswater and leaving Ronan with nothing left to work with. Adam solves the problem. Back in reality, Ronan finds Matthew just in time to see Kavinsky killed by his own creation. They all arive back at 300 Fox Way to find that Maura has disappeared.
In case you missed it, we’ve already read the first book in the series, The Raven Boys, for season 5.
This episode was recorded on 10 December 2022.
Show notes
This week we’re reading the last few chapters through the theme of courage. If you’d like to read along with us, you can find the full breakdown here.
Piercings in Sydney - check out Stone Heart Body Art here (highly recommend!)
More here on Flour & Stone Bakery (yummy)
Read more about Yacht Rock here…
…and here’s more on The Wild Beasts (one of Jenn D’s favourite bands)
Australia actually does get lightning storms and Sydney in particular is not exempt! (But Jen V grew up in Johannesburg and so has unreasonable expectations of lightning storms.)
Bonus: BABY BELLA (she’s properly dog-shaped now, but here she is on her first day home!)
Next week, we’re watching Scott Pilgrim vs the World for our one shot, looking at it through the themes of closure and arrogance. Scott, if your life had a face, I’d punch it.
Then, for season 9, we’ll be heading back to the World of Mages and reading Wayward Son by Rainbow Rowell through the foundational theme of expectations. The full theme list will be up soon so keep an eye out!
Our intro and outro music is by the excellent Scott Buckley. Check him out here.
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Thanks for listening!