This week, we’re reading chapters 56-64 of Any Way The Wind Blows by Rainbow Rowell through the theme of responsibility.
In this section, Simon and Baz go to Ikea. Baz remembers who Philippa is... and has a crisis. He marches straight to Fiona’s for answers... and interrupts her and Nicodemus Petty! Meanwhile, Penny summons Shepard’s demon and undoes the curse with some nifty legal wrangling. They all convene back at Simon’s flat to debrief, and Baz and Simon share some beautifully tender moments.
This is the final part of the Carry On Trilogy - you can check out season 6 for Carry On and season 9 for Wayward Son.
This episode was recorded on 3 September 2023.
Show notes
This week, we’re reading the chapters 56-64. If you’d like to read along with us, you can find the full breakdown here. We’re also still actively recording this season so if you have thoughts or questions let us know, and we’ll answer them as we go!
Apologies - you will hear kids playing and a dog barking in the background during parts of the recording. Jenn D was solo parenting during recording so things were a bit noisy behind the scenes.
Read more about kaitiakitanga and iwi restoration and stewardship here.
Check out the BITE model of cult behaviour here (PDF).
Find One True Pairing (band) here.
Here’s a link to A riot of our own (book).
Here is a longer reading of the Rabbi Tarfon quote Jenn D mentioned.
And finally, more here on Wreck-it Ralph (movie).
Our intro and outro music is by the excellent Scott Buckley. Check him out here.
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Thanks for listening! Next week, we’re reading Chapters 65-73 through the theme of duty.