Here we are again, at the end of another season! It always comes around too fast. This week, we read chapters 84-epilogue of Any Way The Wind Blows through the theme of love and wrap up our time with this book. It's the perfect theme to end our journey with this wonderful series!
In this section, Lady Ruth and Jamie invite Simon and Baz over for a celebration lunch where Simon commits a sword faux pas... or does he? Turns out Simon's picked up the family Excalibur, which can only be moved by a Salisbury, which means that Simon Snow is Lucy’s lost child. Finally, a resolution! Penny takes Shepard home for dinner - they like each other and it’s very great and cute. And we get a glimpse of Agatha's future - she's moved to Watford where she keeps the goats, and she's content with trading in her wand for a walking stick.
This is the final part of the Carry On Trilogy - you can check out season 6 for Carry On and season 9 for Wayward Son.
This episode was recorded on 26 September 2023.
Show notes
This week, we’re reading the chapters 84-epiloque. If you’d like to read along with us, you can find the full breakdown here.
We are once again directing you to Mary Oliver - “What are you going to do with your one wild and precious life?” Read Summer Day (poem) here.
Jenn D’s favorite orphan stories are still Anne of Green Gables & Emily of New Moon (both by LM Montgomery). Get them here and here.
And that’s the end of our time in the World of Mages! Next week, we’ll be watching Hunt for the Wilderpeople for our one shot - a modern Kiwi classic!
Then we’ll be off for a week before returning for season 12. We’ll be reading the final book in the Raven Cycle - The Raven King by Maggie Stiefvater. We’ll be returning to our foundational theme of connections - the full theme list will be up soon!
Our intro and outro music is by the excellent Scott Buckley. Check him out here.
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