SEASON 10 EPISODE 8: Heartbreak

Brace yourself for big feelings cause this week, we’re reading chapters 38-42 of Blue Lily, Lily Blue through the theme of heartbreak!

In this section, Adam is facing his father’s hearing alone–until Gansey and Ronan show up to support him, unasked but not unwelcome. Adam takes Blue and Noah along to the national park to repair the ley line. Later, he meets with Persephone, but she’s not really there–she’s strayed too far–and when they find her, she’s dead.  

We’re well into our journey with The Raven Cycle - you can check out season 5 for The Raven Boys and season 8 for The Dream Thieves.

This episode was recorded on 27 May 2023.  

Show notes

This week we’re reading chapters 38-42. If you’d like to read along with us, you can find the full breakdown here.

You can find Breakup Boss (book) by Zoe Foster Blake here.

And here is Welcome to Sex by Yumi Stynes and Dr Melissa Kang (Book).

Caledonian mountains and the Appalachians are the same orogeny! A little more (brief) info here.

Read more here about Shiva.

Some interesting info on the Gaelic tradition of keening here.

Finally, the Knight of Wands:

Our intro and outro music is by the excellent Scott Buckley. Check him out here.

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Thanks for listening! Next week, we’re reading Chapters 43-47 through the theme of change.




SEASON 10 EPISODE 7: Violence