Jen V’s August Recs

Not to sound like a broken record, but like Jenn D, my recommendation is also to a) get vaccinated, b) wear a mask, and c) scan in everywhere you go so some poor person doesn’t have to manually go through your life history/personally call you if you happen to get/come near the ‘rona. I know we’re all sick of it, but this is where we are. Let’s just do our best for our communities.

The last two weeks have just fried my memory and I can’t really remember what I did in August, so bear with me!

I’m weirdly obsessed with Panic! At The Disco at the moment. Not weird, because I was very obsessed with them between 2005-2009, but weird because the resurgence seems to have come out of nowhere. Before this month, I hadn’t listened to an album since Vices & Virtues came out in 2011! But at the rate I’m going I won’t be surprised if they’re my top artist when Spotify Wrapped drops in December. Wild.

I’ve also really been digging Twin Atlantic again, and they’ve got a new song out. I’ve been listening to a lot of Washington and Medium Build. Also, it pains me to say this, but I’m kinda enjoying Vance Joy’s latest, Missing Piece.

There’s also been a lot of The Clash this month. A lot.

Oh, and shout out to Lorde too, I guess, for her new album though I’m not sold on it yet, my little emo heart needs time to sit with it.

For podcasts, I haven’t actually listened to this but I’ve had it recommended to me many, many times – Noble Blood. Exploring history’s most fascinating royals. Another one that’s been recommended to me is F***bois of Literature, dissecting the most enraging characters in lit.

Books! I’ve read so many! Here are the standouts:

The Starless Sea by Erin Morgenstern – this book is a complete fever dream. It’s profoundly strange, like if you tried to capture the idea of a story rather than an actual story. It makes no sense. Like the whole thing is made of smoke, a whisper on the wind that you can't pin down. I absolutely loved it.

Boyfriend Material by Alexis Hall – solid, sweet romance. Enemies to lovers and fake boyfriend tropes! I mean, what more could you want? Look, I’m a sucker for good, clear communication and vulnerability, and this book is full of it. It’s also just really easy to read, endearing, and funny. I actually read this twice, that’s how much I liked it. And by looking it up to write this, I’ve discovered there’s a sequel coming out next year. So that’s my day made.

If we were villains by M.L. Rio – I can tell you right now this novel is not for everyone. It’s got a real pretentious, dark academia vibe and the characters are a hair’s breadth away from unbelievable but, lord, when I tell you I loved this book. I clutched it to my forehead in anguish for 10 minutes after I finished it, that’s not an exaggeration. It’s a Shakespearean tragedy, a claustrophobic anxiety spiral, and it made my heart hurt.

I also re-read Any way the wind blows (yes, I know, I need help), and The Raven Boys for the first time since 2015 and it was even better than I remembered. Read it! You won’t be sorry!

I’m just about to start The Gilded Wolves by Roshani Chokshi, and then have 7 more books on my library pile to get through. Because we’re in lockdown, the library automatically renewed everything til the end of September making me the winner in the Jen v Library showdown. I can definitely finish 7 books by the end of next month!

I haven’t really been watching lots of TV, as I’ve been mostly reading. Still watching Merlin and Bob’s Burgers as previously mentioned. I just blew through the Great Celebrity Bake Off, which is great background working TV. I’ve also just started watching Castlevania which seems very intriguing but way too intense for background working TV.

Oh, I also absolutely fell in love with Ted Lasso this month, on Jenn D’s recommendation. It is just sooooo good. Sincerity! Accountability! Dark themes dealt with in compassionate ways! Yes, yes, yes. Unfortunately, I am anti-Apple so I need to figure out how I can watch the rest of season 2.

I didn’t get to see any of the movies I wanted before we ended up back in lockdown alas.

So yeah, that’s me really! I’ve been trying to fix my sleep schedule and get back into a regular exercise routine. It’s hard when it’s always blowing a gale, or raining, or both. I don’t want to run in that! So, I go for my daily government mandated walk and call it good enough.

September is almost here, which means spring is almost here, and brighter mornings are almost here again. I’m ready for it.

See you all next month - stay safe out there!


September Recommendations by Jenn D


August Recommendations by Jenn D